Monday, May 5, 2014

External Anatomy Worksheet

Cat Dissection 1: External Anatomy                                      NAME_______________________PER_____
Read and follow all written and verbal instructions!

Ø  Use Introduction: Photo Manual and Dissection Guide of the Cat, & your A&P lab manual to answer the questions.
Ø  Obtain a cat and place it in a dissection tray.  Wear an apron and safety glasses ALWAYS!
Ø  Label the bag & box with a permanent marker: Your names, Class period, Lab Station #
Ø  For this lab, you will not cut anything! Make all external observations before we start cutting next time!
Ø  When finished, cover cat with light spray of Carosafe, wrap in towel, and seal inside bag.  Put cat in box. 
Ø  Cleaning duties:     Clean dissection tray, utensils  and lab station thoroughly.  Return apron and goggles.

Structures that you are required to know:
See italicized terms below

1. Complete the classification for the cat.  Remember to underline the scientific name.


2. How long does the average cat live? ____

3. What is the gestation period of a cat?_______

4. Label the following directional terms on the diagram of the cat:
frontal plane; caudal/ posterior; transverse plane; dorsal/superior; ventral/inferior; cranial/anterior; proximal; distal; median plane

5. How do these directional terms compare in the cat vs. the human?
  1. ventral
  2. superior
  3. inferior
  4. posterior
  5. anterior

6. What are the 3 main parts of the forelimb?

7. What is the nictitating membrane?  What is its function?

8. What are 2 features that are unique to mammals?

9. Determine the number of papillae in your cat.   Are they found in both male and female cats?
10. Is your cat male or female? __________ Explain how you know.
Make sure you see a cat of the opposite sex.

11. Label the following structures/ regions on the diagram of the cat:

tail (caudal), pinna, thigh, shank, pes, hindlimb, trunk (sacral, lumbar, thoracic), forelimb, paw, neck (cervical), head (cranial), torus, vibrissae, axilla, perineum, brachium, antebrachium, mammary papillae, external nares, anus, digits, external auditory meatus

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